What’soup doc?

Creamy sweet tomato soup

When I come home from work, I’m usually starved to dead. Like: “Gimme some food NOW!”

Sadly, when I arrive home from work I (or the boyfriend) still have to prep us a meal from scratch. So, besides some cherry tomatoes or nuts to graze on, there wont be much food avail for my empty stomach. Lets be honest here: cherry tomatoes and two or three nuts don’t really turn a hungry belly into a foodbaby belly. And I don’t want to loose my appetite by snickity snacking too much appetizers before dinner (I mean, I plead guilty, it has happened before).

>> We do, however, always have all the necessary ingredients in house to make us dinner since we decide  on ‘the menu’ a week in advance and go to the supermarket only once a week to buy everything for the next week. We know what’s coming from friday until thursday. I avoid going to supermarkets on a daily base like the plague! Also, the everyday “what are we going to eat ce soir” convo’s aren’t my cup of tea. Oh and by the way, going to a supermarket on an empty stomach makes you buy shitty stuff. Just saying. I know some people find the whole ‘prepping a weekly menu’ über boring, and they want some more surprises and last minute decisions when picking dinner. But this is what works for me and the boyfriend. I can only recommend 😉 <<

But, I’m getting off track, back to the post work hunger prob:

A few days ago, all of a sudden, it dawned on me. I always kind of knew it was going to be the empty stomach solution, but I lazy-ass ignored it. Remaining a whining hangry (hungry + angry) woman cursing at the kitchen timer for being so dang slow (Hangry makes you pretty unreasonable to all things slow, not only to mention traffic jams).

Anyhow. My mom used to do it, my dad did, my grandparents did,… A CUP OF SOUP before dinner! It fills you up a tad bit, but not too much, so you still have room for dinner and you wont eat as much later on, since your tummy’s already filled with a soup layer. Win win if you ask me.

So, we had a little miscalculation in the tomato department last week. Read: I brought tomatoes, forgot we didn’t eat the ones we bought the week before and then I brought us some more tomatoes the week after with a buy one get two deal. Needless to say we had a lot of tomatoes. So what do you do with them besides having a tomato carpaccio with feta for lunch? That’s right! Tomato soup! Yum.

This recipe will rock your world because it’s creamy, sweet and super healthy. And easy peasy to prep on a sunday afternoon so you’re set for the week.

You’ll need

  • 1 onion
  • 1 sweet potato (about 200g)
  • 1 leek (only the white part)
  • 1 tbsp of coconut oil
  • 10 fresh tomatoes, peeled
  • handfull of cherry tomatoes
  • 1,5 l of water
  • 1 vegetable broth cube (preferably organic WITHOUT corn starch, or a homemade broth)
  • 1 tsp spicy curry
  • Some parsley or basil
  • salt and pepper
  • pinch of stevia
  • A bay leaf and thyme
  • Optional: some soy or greek yoghurt
chop the onion, sweet potato and leek finely. Stew them in a big pot with coconut oil.
Cut the (peeled) tomatoes into chunks and add them with the cherry tomatoes to the onion, potato and leek.
Moist with water and the broth cube. Add the spicy red curry too and a bay leaf and some thyme.
Leave to boil the lot for 35 tot 40 minutes.
Remove the bay leaf and thyme, and add a pinch of stevia to sweeten. Mix the soup with a hand blender and add some parsley or basil to finish.
If you want extra cream, you can add a tbsp of yoghurt to each bowl of soup you grab.
Bon pre-appetit!
xo, Kirsten