King crab and quinoa quickie


Whenever you’re in hurry, or, Whenever you’re like “I don’t feel like cooking, but I have to eat something and we I’m so not in the mood for eating out and paying way to much for a whole lot of crap…” This will be your recipe!

When I don’t feel much for cooking but – nonetheless – still feel much for eating, a lot, I’ll usually grab some leftovers from the fridge and mix up some sort of a salad. Or ramble them together in an egg and eggwhite omelette. Easy and healthy dinner options. (Or I may eat breakfast for dinner. Sometimes it happens.)

Something else to consider – whenever you know a busy week is ahead –  is to always cook a bit more quinoa or rice then you’re planning to eat. Because the leftover portion makes a great base for a salad the next day. Proof found below. And you can keep it for ages in an airtight container in your fridge. Tupperware whores for the win!

We always have a huge collections of seeds and nuts in our cabinets. As do we have endless rows with cans of fish and salad proof veggies in the fridge. This time I bought something a bit more out of the ordinary: canned king crab and I decided to combine it with whatever was leftover in our fridge. Enters a King Crab salad that belongs on a Michelin star menu. 😉

You’ll need (serves 2)

  • A can of king crab (tuna or salmon will work too)
  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Baby cucumber
  • A zucchini (or another leftover vegetable)
  • 140g quinoa
  • Red onion
  • 2 tbsp of pumpkin seeds
  • Olive oil
  • Balsamic vinegar
  • Salt and pepper


Cook the quinoa (unless it’s a leftover portion from the day before) as stated on the package.

Slice the zucchini and grill them on a high heat for a few minutes on each side.

Now add all ingredients to a big bowl and mingle until everything is a hot king crab mess.

And you’re done. Serve while cold.

Bon appetite!

Xo, Kirsten


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